Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 Mystic Carrion Jars Locations Location Where to Find

Baldur’s Gate 3 Mystic Carrion Jars: Where to Find Heart, Lungs, Liver & Brain Locations

The Baldur’s Gate 3 Mystic Carrion jars are spread throughout the main city, but it’s difficult to find where all their locations are. Similar to the Dribbles the Clown questline, the “Find Mystic Carrion’s Servant” quest asks you to find each of the mystic’s body parts, all held inside a jar. You technically only need to locate the carrion’s heart to kill the mystic, but locating and destroying the lungs, liver, and brain will weaken him. Here’s where you can find all of the mystic carrion’s body parts in a jar in BG3.

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Where to find Baldur’s Gate 3 Mystic Carrion jars locations

The following is a list of directions and coordinates where you can find the Mystic Carrion jars throughout the city of Baldur’s Gate proper:

  • Jar of Mystic Carrion’s Lungs – Head to the Mortuary in the city’s graveyard at coordinates X 27, Y 19 and lockpick the door. Down in this Mortuary’s Cellar, you’ll find a table with many plants and this jar.
  • Jar of Mystic Carrion’s Brain – Go to the Undercity Ruins waypoint and head left to the Passageway. Enter the Ancient Lair and lockpick the door embedded in the stone wall with a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. This will trigger a fight with a lot of undead, but you can find the jar on a sarcophagus at coordinates X 1392, Y 81.
  • Jar of Mystic Carrion’s Liver – Follow the same instructions for the Mystic Carrion’s Brain above. Right next to the sarcophagus is a Gilded Chest. Lockpick the chest with a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check to find this jar.
  • Jar of Mystic Carrion’s Heart – Follow the same instructions for the Mystic Carrion’s Brain above. Next to the sarcophagus is a book called “Funerary Jar Form and Function.” Reading this will trigger a clue for the heart, which is actually located within Thrumbo, the Carrion’s Servant, in the Lower City at coordinates X 52, Y -131. Talking with Thrumbo in conversation will have him throw up the heart in disgust.
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You’ll need to destroy each of these jars with an attack, preferably with a fire-based ranged attack since they explode. Much like Harry Potter destroying all of Voldemort’s horcruxes, the Mystic Carrion will be considerably weakened after smashing all of his body part jars.

For more Baldur’s Gate 3 guides, the city is also where you can find out what happens to the Githyanki Egg if you gave it to Lady Esther.

BG3 mystic carrion jar FAQ

Q: What is the significance of the Mystic Carrion jars in Baldur’s Gate 3?

A: In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Mystic Carrion jars play a crucial role in the “Find Mystic Carrion’s Servant” quest. These jars contain various body parts of Mystic Carrion. By locating and destroying the heart, you can kill the mystic, but if you also find and obliterate the lungs, liver, and brain, you significantly weaken him ahead of your confrontation.

Q: How challenging is it to locate and access the Mystic Carrion’s Brain?

A: Finding the Mystic Carrion’s Brain is somewhat challenging. Players will need to venture to the Undercity Ruins and then head left to the Passageway. From there, they should proceed to the Ancient Lair and attempt to lockpick a door embedded in a stone wall. It requires a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check. After successfully entering, players will have to face numerous undead. Following the battle, the jar containing the brain can be discovered on a sarcophagus.

Q: After locating the Mystic Carrion jars, what’s the next step players should take?

A: Once players have found the Mystic Carrion jars, they should focus on destroying them. It’s advisable to use a fire-based ranged attack for this task since the jars have a tendency to explode when damaged. By breaking all of the jars, the Mystic Carrion becomes considerably weaker, making any subsequent encounter with him easier to navigate.

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